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Dr Christopher Chan is a psychiatrist practising in Mount Elizabeth Novena Hospital, Singapore.
He specialises in the management and treatment of mood disorders and is experienced in procedures such as electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) and repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS).
Dr Chan is currently a visiting consultant at the Mood Disorders Unit (MDU) at the Institute of Mental Health (IMH).
During his tenure at IMH, he led the affective disorders service, which manages the treatment of resistant mood disorders in Singapore, and was the primary ward consultant at the MDU, which is a subspecialised inpatient unit for the treatment of mood disorders in Singapore.
Dr Chan was actively involved in research and was awarded grants from the NHG-LKC Medicine Clinician-Scientist Preparatory Programme and IMH. He has made numerous presentations at international medical conferences and notably led a symposium on mood disorders at the International Society of Affective Disorders in 2018. He has also published extensively in peer-reviewed local and international journals.
Dr Chan was involved in education and was an appointed clinical faculty educator with institutions including Duke-NUS Medical School, Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine, NUS’ Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine and the Graduate Diploma in Mental Health.
MBBS (NUS, Singapore)