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Dr Lim is a consultant General and Colorectal Surgeon currently practising at Gleneagles Medical Centre since 2001. He is also an accredited consultant surgeon to Mt. Elizabeth Hopsital and Parkway East Hospital. He graduated from the National University of Singapore (NUS) in 1985 and obtained his fellowship in General Surgery from the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom in 1990. He completed his advanced surgical training programme in General Surgery in 1994. In 1996 he was awarded a scholarship under the Singapore Ministry of Health Manpower Development Programme. This was a one-year full-time clinical fellowship programme to further his subspecialty interest in colorectal and laparoscopic general surgery at the University of Hull in the United Kingdom.
Dr Lim is a fellow of the Academy of Medicine of Singapore since 1996 and is a founding member of the Society of Colorectal Surgeons in Singapore. He was an associate fellow of the Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland, and previously a teaching faculty member of The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh InterCollegiate Basic Surgical Skills Course held in Singapore twice annually.
As a committee member of the Gleneagles Minimally Invasive Surgery for General Surgery, he is active in the teaching and promotion of the use of ‘key-hole’ surgery in General Surgery. His area of practice includes colorectal surgery, laparoscopic or ‘key-hole’ surgery and most aspects of general surgery. He is currently an active member of the Medical Quality Control Committee at Gleneagles Hospital since 2008.
Dr Lim is a recipient of the Minister for Health 2005 Award for his volunteer effort in in medical relief in Sri Lanka following the 2004 Asian Tsunami. He was again awarded the Minister for Health Award in 2006 for Medical Relief Effort after the Indonesian Earthquake of 2006.