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Dr Vikram Sonawane Janardan is an endocrinologist at Mount Elizabeth Hospital, Singapore.
His clinical interests include thyroid disorders, nodular thyroid disease and fine needle aspiration biopsy of thyroid, diabetes mellitus and obesity, pituitary and adrenal disorders, osteoporosis, bone health, and infertility and hypogonadism.
Prior to joining private practice, Dr Sonawane worked at Khoo Teck Puat Hospital as a senior consultant endocrinologist.
He graduated from the University of Bombay, India and is a member of the Royal College of Physicians, UK. He received the Health Manpower Development Plan award and did his fellowship in clinical thyroidology from the Mayo Clinic, USA.
At KTPH, Dr Sonawane was appointed lead of the thyroid service. He was instrumental in setting up the thyroid and fine needle aspiration and cytology (FNAC) clinic at KTPH, where he performed around 125 to 150 FNAC per year.
He has also contributed to peer-reviewed endocrinology publications such as case reports and journals. He is often invited to present at research forums and scientific conferences.
Besides his clinical work, he is a senior lecturer at Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine and Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine.
Dr Sonawane is a recipient of several Service Champion awards by KTPH.
Sfeir, J. G., Drake, M. T., Sonawane, V. J., & Sinaki, M. (2019). Vertebral compression fractures associated with yoga: a case series. European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 54(6).
Kotwal, A., Turcu, A. F., Sonawane, V., Bahn, R. S., Pittelkow, M. R., Bridges, A., & Stan, M. N. (2019). Clinical Experience with Rituximab and Intravenous Immunoglobulin for Pretibial Myxedema: A Case Series. Thyroid, 29(5), 692–699.
Chen, A. W., Wee, H. C., & Sonawane, V. (2019b). Flail mitral valve: a rare complication of a thyroid storm. AACE Clinical Case Reports, 5(1), e4–e6.
Oh, S. L., Chia, C. L. K., Ooi, O. C., Sonawane, V., Rao, A. D., & Singaporewalla, R. (2020). A rare case of ectopic retrosternal goiter. Clinical Case Reports, 9(4), 1849–1852.