新加坡鹰阁医院眼科专家Gillian Teh医生。
她毕业于英国伦敦大学 (University of London),并在新加坡国立大学获得硕士学位。她是新加坡医学科学院 (Academy of Medicine) 院士。她从事医学工作已超过 15 年。
Teh 医生是 SNEC 慈善和发展委员会的成员。她曾在斯里兰卡、印度尼西亚和印度拉达克邦从事传教工作。她目前仍是SNEC慈善与发展委员会的活跃成员。
Teh, G. H., Tan, S. W., Yong, K., Sommat, K., Yang, M., Khoo Tan, H. S., Seah, L. L., & Looi, A. (2018). A Ten-Year Experience of Radiotherapy, With or Without Immunosuppression, in the Management of Active, Moderate-to-Severe Thyroid Eye Disease. Journal of Endocrine Disorders, 5(1), 1029.
Foo, V. H. X., & Teh, G. H. (2024). Gonococcal dacryoadenitis complicated by orbital cellulitis: a case report. Orbit, 1–3.
Chin, Y. C., Perera, S. A., Tun, T. A., Teh, G. H., Cheung, C. Y., Aung, T., Wong, T. Y., & Baskaran, M. (2016). Structural differences in the optic nerve head of glaucoma patients with and without disc hemorrhages. Journal of Glaucoma, 25(2), e76–e81.
Chua, W., Yuen, L. H., Chua, J., Teh, G., & Hill, W. E. (2012). Matched comparison of rotational stability of 1-piece acrylic and plate-haptic silicone toric intraocular lenses in Asian eyes. Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery/Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery, 38(4), 620–624.