Neurology (Brain & Nerves) - Related Treatments and Services

As neurological issues span a whole range of brain disorders with potential complications, neurologists perform a range of treatments and procedures related to the brain, nervous system and spinal cord.

Neurological treatments include:

Diagnostic procedures

Functional neurology

Neuro-rehabilitation therapy is designed to help patients with nervous system disorders such as radiculopathy, Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease. It includes occupational therapy, physiotherapy and speech therapy.


Neurosurgery may be used to diagnose multiple conditions such as brain tumours (cancerous or non-cancerous), spine tumours and head injuries (intracranial bleed). It includes:

Stereotactic radiosurgery

Stereotactic radiosurgery is a targeted form of radiation therapy where radiation beams are aimed at the tumour from many different points.

Gamma knife radiosurgery is a form of stereotactic radiosurgery that specifically treats conditions of the brain and head.

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