Dr Ong Jianming Calvin - Bedah Umum

Dr Ong Jianming Calvin

Dokter Spesialis Bedah Umum

Medical Reviewer


Bedah Umum


English, Hokkien, Mandarin

Jenis kelamin


Rekanan Asuransi

Great Eastern, HSBC Life, Prudential^

Meskipun kami berupaya keras untuk menjaga daftar panel asuransi ini tetap terbaru, Anda sangat disarankan untuk memverifikasi langsung dengan klinik dan/atau penyedia asuransi Anda.


Perawatan terkait

  • Operasi wasir
  • Prosedur untuk kondisi perianal jinak
  • Kolostomi
  • Reseksi usus besar total / parsial atau bypass (terbuka)
  • Operasi usus buntu (terbuka / laparoskopi)

Penghargaan dan tanda kehormatan

  • 2022 - 2024
    Singapore Health Quality Award (Gold)

Penelitian & publikasi

Tu, I. W.-H., Sivanath, T. P., Yusof, S. B., & Ong, J. C. (2024). Use of Inj. botox to the abdominal wall in large incisional hernia repair: a local experience in a tertiary hospital in Singapore. Asian Journal of Case Reports in Surgery, 7(1), 198–206.

Calvin , O. J., Huimin , A. S., Wijaya , R., & Yusof , S. B. (2024). A Novel Approach to a Rare Case of Fournier’s Gangrene Involving the Space of Retzius. Asian Journal of Case Reports in Surgery, 7(1), 30–35.

See, A. H., Ong, J. C., Yusof, S., & Wijaya, R. (2022). Our initial experience with combined endo-laparoscopic surgery(CELS) for removal of a large benign colorectal polyp. Asian Journal of Case Reports in Surgery, 5(2), 299–304.

Soh, N. Y. T., Chia, D. K. A., Teo, N. Z., Ong, C. J. M., & Wijaya, R. (n.d.). Prevalence of colorectal cancer in acute uncomplicated diverticulitis and the role of the interval colonoscopy. International Journal of Colorectal Disease, 33(7), 991–994.

Kontak untuk pasien internasional

Parkway Support Centre


Colorectal Clinic Associates

38 Irrawaddy Road #10-48/49
Mount Elizabeth Novena Specialist Centre
SG 329563
6643 9922
6643 9929

Colorectal Clinic Associates

319 Joo Chiat Place #05-08
Parkway East Medical Centre
SG 427989
6643 9922
6348 1383

Colorectal Clinic Associates

6 Napier Road #06-16
Gleneagles Medical Centre
SG 258499
6643 9922